Build a path finding node graph from a mesh.
The mesh should be a regular Mesh object, which means it can also be
rendered. The faces of the mesh are described in two arrays: the
stores a flat list of triplets corresponding to the (x, y, z)
coordinates of a vertex. The IndexArray
stores a flat list of triplets
corresponding to (v1, v2, v3) vertex indices making up a face (a tri).
The coordinates of the vertices will be used to compute face centroids. The
centroids are then used directly as waypoints in sys_nav
. The centroids
(and thus, the nav mesh) should be defined in the world space, unscaled.
- The Mesh to build the node graph from.
- The maximum slope of faces considered as walkable.
export function nav_bake(mesh: Mesh, max_slope: number) {
let face_count = mesh.IndexCount / 3;
let faces_containing_vertex: Record<number, Array<number>> = {};
let navmesh: NavMesh = {
Graph: [],
Centroids: [],
let face: Vec3 = [0, 0, 0];
let norm: Vec3 = [0, 0, 0];
for (let f = 0; f < face_count; f++) {
face_vertices(face, mesh, f);
face_normal(norm, mesh, face);
if (Math.acos(vec3_dot(norm, UP)) > max_slope) {
navmesh.Graph[f] = [];
navmesh.Centroids[f] = face_centroid([0, 0, 0], mesh, face);
for (let vert of face) {
if (faces_containing_vertex[vert]) {
} else {
faces_containing_vertex[vert] = [f];
for (let f = 0; f < face_count; f++) {
if (navmesh.Graph[f] === undefined) {
face_vertices(face, mesh, f);
let edges = [
[face[0], face[1]],
[face[1], face[2]],
[face[2], face[0]],
for (let [a, b] of edges) {
for (let other of faces_containing_vertex[a]) {
face_vertices(face, mesh, other);
if (other !== f && (face[0] === b || face[1] === b || face[2] === b)) {
vec3_distance_squared(navmesh.Centroids[f], navmesh.Centroids[other]),
return navmesh;